Theresa Peoples | Monday, March 30, 2020 |
We are currently living in a time of uncertainty! And we're all practicing social distancing and are in a self-quarantine situation. This is our new normal! Every day on the news you are seeing a play by play report on
Positive morning
COVID-19 and its affects on all of us. By now you are aware of the precautions that need to be taken in order to keep yourself and your family safe. As we enter another week of self-quarantine, we wanted to remind you that it is very important to follow the guidelines that have been put in place by the CDC.
Your fast past busy life has now come to a halt. And your mental bank account is overflowing with time. What should you do? How are you filling your days? One important thing you should be doing is staying positive and practicing self-care! Here are 8 things you can do to alleviate stress and keep positive:
1. Read a book
Kindle and Audiobooks offer a massive list of books to read. Don’t have a Kindle? Download the app on your smart phone. Got a library card? Did you know that you can checkout digital books from your local library?
CDC Stress and Coping
2. Cook with your family & kids
There are hundreds of thousands of recipes on the internet. Checkout The Food Network, Allrecipes, and YouTube.
3. Rediscover your hobby
Pick up that paint brush or start writing that book you always wanted to write or work on that entrepreneurial venture.
4. Organize your photos
There are so many photo albums around today its hard to name them all here, but you could start with Google Photos.
5. Exercise
There are so many exercise classes on the internet. Start with simple exercises you can do in your home. And it doesn't require expensive gym equipment!
6. Resume your skin care routine
Remember all those skin care products you purchased but didn't have the time to use? Now’s the time to make your skin glow!
7. Watch positive television content
Plain and simple STOP watching the news!
8. Video chat with love ones and friends
This is one of our favorites! There are so many platforms to choose from. There's Google Duo or Google Hangouts, Facetime, Zoom, Skype and the lists goes on!
We have been keeping busy here too! Cooking is one of our favorite pastimes, and we've also been playing around with a new video editor. We've been wanting to produce more video content so that we could bring you behind the scenes. Come take a peek inside our first ever product making video! In this video you will get a backstage pass to how we make our deep hair conditioner!
We’d love to hear more about what you’re doing to pass the time. Drop a comment below and let us know what you’re up to.
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