Theresa Peoples | Thursday, March 10, 2016 |
Did you know that Urban Essence Salon & Spa supports the National MS Society, Greater Delaware Valley Chapter?
Not many people know that I have MS. Yes it's true! In 2003, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. As a matter of fact, in 1998 I had what is called and exacerbation. I developed Optic Neuritis in my right eye. "At the disease onset, individuals with MS might experience a variety of symptoms, including numbness, tingling, pain, weakness, and balance problems, but visual symptoms are the presenting symptom up to 50% of the time. Over the course of the disease, virtually 100% of those with MS will have some visual problem, including visual loss and/or various distortions of vision. As with other neurological symptoms in MS, these visual problems can come and go, fluctuate in severity, or be permanent."
Over the course of the weekend I gradually "went blind" in my right eye. That Monday I went to the Scheie Eye Institute at Penn Presbyterian Medical Center. The opti neurologist suggested that I might have MS. After my appointment with the opti neurologist, I was sent home with steroids (forgive me I can't remember the name) that I took intravenously for about 3-5 days and referred to a neurologist.
My appointment with the neurologist consisted of checking my reflexes, coordination, gait and balance. All of which was great and still is 16 years later, after my official diagnosis. However, at this time I was not sent for any other testing such as an MRI, etc. So I did not know if I actually had MS or not or if there were any lesions on my spine.
Fast forward 5 years from my initial exacerbation and I have another one. This time, once again, it involved my right side and again it took the course of a weekend for me to recognize it. It started with my lip, then my tongue, then finally the whole right side of my face. (Keep in mind, I still had MS in the back of my mind.) This time I went straight to the Department of Neurology | University of Pennsylvania Health System. At this time I knew I had MS and the MRI testing proved it!
Like most people I was an emotional mess. I thought I was going to be stricken to a wheelchair and most of all I thought I would never be able to work again. As a result I wanted to have my own business. I wanted to be in control of my destiny. And at the same time I was already tossing around the idea of having my own line of bath & body products.
For the past 16 years I have had the pleasure of being treated by Dina Jacobs, M.D. With the help of my husband Timothy Minor, my family, my doctor and the medicine that I take, I have had very few bumps in the road.
Since the inception of Urban Essence Salon & Spa we thought it would only be right to give to the National MS Society because if it were not for MS our bath & body company would not have come to life. So anytime you make a purchase using coupon code "UESSMS" we will donate 20% of your total purchase to the National MS Society. It's that simple and easy to support a cause that affects so many people!
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